Board and Governance

Over the pandemic, AALT didn’t submit annual returns to the Alberta Registry and was declared inactive or “struck”. We have a small, passionate group currently working to revive the association. To join the cause, please start or renew your membership.

The AALT Revivalists

Want to know more about the AALT Board of Directors and what they do? Check out the different positions available on the AALT Board of Directors.

Each of these Directors chair or sit on different committees and committee members are always welcome! Interested in volunteering for a position on the board or for any of the committees? Contact any current representative for more information and first-hand observations about the position.

AALT Board of Directors 2024-2025

President: Peggy Schadl
President-Elect: Nicole Penton
Administrative Services Director: Meghan Stanbridge
Communication Services Director: Caleigh Haworth
Online Services Director: Kathleen Brennan
Member at Large: Natasha Raleigh
Macewan Student Representative: currently vacant
SAIT Student Representative: currently vacant

Board Position Descriptions

AALT elections are held in the spring of each year at the annual conference. Each position is elected for a one-year term (except for the President-Elect) and is expected to attend AALT Board meetings (minimum of 4/year). Positions available are as follows:

President is responsible for the direction of the AALT Board. The President Chair’s the Administration Group, the Executive Committee, chairs the School Library Committee and prepares materials for and chairs the Annual General Meeting.

President-Elect is elected for a one-year term, followed by a one-year term as President. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Chairs the Communications Group, Awards Committee and Nominations Committee and is a member of the Executive Committee.

Member-at-Large responsibilities include, but are not limited to: chairs the Professional Development Group, administers the AALT Mentoring Program, chairs the Mentoring Committee and Conference Committee.

Administrative Services Director responsibilities include, but are not limited to: transcribes minutes & distributes to Board members; process/redirect correspondence; chooses an auditor for the association; prepares & presents the budget for the coming year; prepares & presents financial statements for all Board meetings & for the Annual General Meeting; monitors associations financial status & transactions and makes recommendations to the Board; sets up & regulates bank accounts, term deposits; coordinates the awarding of the MacEwan & SAIT bursaries & gifts, maintains & distributes Board Handbook; maintains AALT’s storage unit & archives.

Online Services Director responsibilities include, but are not limited to: chairs the Membership Committee, Membership Survey Committee and Salary Survey Committee; maintains membership database; creates, distributes, promotes & compiles data from the bi-annual AALT Salary Survey, updates and maintains the AALT website; administration of the AALT List serve and on-line registration system; chairing the Website Committee.

Communications Director responsibilities include, but are not limited to: coordinates ordering, distribution and sale of AALT promotional products; maintains a current inventory of AALT memorabilia; promotion of AALT functions and events; chairing the Marketing Committee, compiling the contents for the AALT Technician blog; maintaining AALT social media accounts.

If you want to run for a board position or to nominate someone for a position, please contact us. If you’d like to test the water by volunteering for a committee first, we welcome your participation and input.